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How Maine departments are operating during the pandemic

Here’s how state departments are handling the coronvirus pandemic and their interactions with the public:

• Department of Economic and Community Development: Open, but visitor information centers are no longer staffed.

• Department of Health and Human Services: Open, but limiting interactions with the public to accepting paperwork for drop-off. Clients are being encouraged to fill out and submit applications and reviews for programs, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and MaineCare online through My Maine Connection. Paperwork may be submitted via fax, email or postal carrier. The toll-free number is 1 (855) 797-4357 and agents are available from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Clients who prefer to fill out applications for these programs in person may do so, and those in need of assistance will be encouraged to call the toll-free number to speak with an agent.

• Office of Child and Family Services is not accepting walk-in or in-person applications for child care subsidy, although they are accepting them online and over the phone.

• DHHS issued an emergency rule effective March 13 allowing all TANF application and annual review interviews, which are required to determine eligibility, to be held by telephone rather than in person. TANF orientations, which are completed during the application process, also will be held by phone rather than through visits to one of the Department’s vendor locations, also known as Fedcap Opportunity Centers. Fedcap is limiting in-person contact for ASPIRE participants, encouraging and facilitating remote participation.

• DHHS also will limit in-person interviews for fraud investigations and quality control audits, and will hold all administrative hearings by telephone.

• Department of Labor: Open, but the 12 CareerCenters are temporarily switching to online and by-phone services, rather than in-person visits. Visit for contact information.

• Department of Marine Resources: Open, but access to facilities in Augusta, West Boothbay Harbor, Bangor, Lamoine, Jonesboro, and Rockland will be by appointment only.

• Department of Administrative and Financial Services: Open, but Maine Revenue Services’ Augusta office is closed to the public except for drop-off payments, and the Office of Marijuana Policy is closed to the public but accepting online applications and is videoconferencing for training related to the new marijuana track and trace system.

• Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management: Open. With respect to its three divisions:

• Bureau of Veterans Services: All of the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services field offices are closed to walk-in traffic, however our VSOs are still holding scheduled appointments with veterans over the phone and via skype, and BVS is providing some services, such as locating discharge records, remotely. To that end, BVS has placed our Online Request Form on the homepage of our website. The Cemetery System offices are limiting public access. Currently, only those with urgent matters related to current burials and scheduling are permitted into the offices. The chapel services have been changed to outside services to allow for social distancing and our grounds crew is working normally to inter our veterans.

• Maine Army National Guard: The Augusta DEERS ID card office is requiring those in need of their services to call 207-430-5914 and leave a voice message. Messages will be received and returned by DEER Site Security managers to establish priority and appointment necessity, in particular if there will be an impact to medical benefits. The DEERS ID office in Bangor is also by appointment only, and the South Portland Air National Guard station is not processing outside ID card requests. Telework schedules are still developing, and the public is advised to call base offices before planning to visit.

• Maine Emergency Management Agency: Normal operations.

• Department of Corrections: Open, but facilities and probation offices are closed to visitors, vendors, volunteers, other non-professionals. Alternate reporting requirements for adult and juvenile probation clients have gone into effect. Home visits, site visits, and field work performed by adult and juvenile probation staff have been suspended. The Prison Showroom in Thomaston is closed. DOC’s work release program will suspend operations as of 6pm, March 18, 2020, which includes community restitution crews, Apprenticeship program workers, and inmate volunteers.

• Department of Transportation: Open.

• Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife: Open, but encouraging customers to seek services online, such as sporting licenses, recreational vehicle registrations, or permits.

• Department of Environmental Protection: Offices (Augusta, Bangor, Portland and Presque Isle) will be closed to the public, except that visitors may deliver paperwork to the reception area.  DEP staff are still conducting business via phone and over email.

• Department of Public Safety: Open.

• Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry: Open.

• Department of Education: Open, but its certification office is requesting applicants use the online portal to submit material.

• Department of Professional and Financial Regulation: Open, but limiting in-person visits through April 30, when possible, and requesting that the public and licensees use the Department’s online, email or telephone services whenever possible to transact business related to the Department including license applications or renewals, filing complaints, etc.

• Workers’ Compensation Board: Open. All mediations are being done by phone and hearings though administrative law judges are being as flexible and accommodating as possible with respect to use of remote technology and continuances. Worker advocates are conducting client meetings by phone.

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