Chityal (Nalgonda): Nakrekal MLA Chirumarthi Lingaiah directed the officials concerned to buy cotton only from farmers. On Thursday, he inaugurated a cotton procurement centre set by Cotton Corporation of India at the agricultural market in Chityal of Nakrekal constituency in the district.
Speaking on the occasion, he advised the farmers to not to believe in middlemen and suggested them to sell their produce at the CCI procurement centre to get Minimum Support Price of Rs 5,500 per quintal. Cotton farmers of this region should utilise this opportunity, he stressed.
District Marketing Department official Aleemuddin, Tahsildar Vishalakshi, Agriculture Secretary Chandrashekar, MPP Kolanu Sunitha, ZPTC Danamma, farmers, TRS leader Kancharla Krishna Reddy and party local leaders were present during the inauguration of the procurement centre.