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The same old approach to Texas redistricting isn’t going to work this time

On a stifling summer afternoon, lounging in a sticky pleather chair in Austin’s Bergstrom airport, I tapped out a quick text to my wife letting her know that my flight back to Dallas was delayed. The good news was I wouldn’t miss dinner with the family — a common occurrence during a busy Texas Legislative Session.

As I wrote my text, my phone buzzed with a call. I recognized the number and picked up immediately. “Hello, Mr. Chairman. What can I do for you?” I stammered.

“Son, you’ve been here about as long as a fart in a hurricane and if you think you’re going to redraw my district, you have a lesson or two to learn. Do I make myself clear?,” the chairman said.

For the next 20 minutes, I was read the proverbial riot act and learned a few new Texas-based swear words. That was one of the many “welcome to the Texas Legislature” moments I experienced during my freshman year as a member of the Texas House of Representatives.

I had been blessed during my first year in the Lege to gain the confidence of many of my peers and the attention of the Speaker of the House at the time, Joe Straus. The speaker was a consummate professional. He was thoughtful, courteous, strategic and extremely careful in his committee appointments. As one of the few Hispanic Republicans to ever serve in the Texas House, I was tapped for the Special Select Committee on Redistricting during the Special Session of the 83rd Legislative Session. It was a great honor, but fraught with political risk and potential liability.

The Texas House is charged with drawing the district boundaries for the Texas members of the U.S. Congress, the Texas Senate and the Texas Legislature. As the population of Texas grows and relocates, and as its demographic complexion changes, the completion of every U.S. census cycle (every 10 years) prompts the Legislature to redraw Texas’ political maps to properly allocate and constitutionally apportion representative districts.

Over the past half-century or so, in executing this duty, the State of Texas has not exactly accorded itself in strict compliance with the Civil Rights Act or existing legal precedent. In fact, nearly every map drawn by the Legislature over the past 50 years has been legally challenged by an aggrieved constituency. Some redrawn districts included too many Anglo voters, others had too many Black voters. Some districts didn’t have enough Hispanic voters. Some districts had too many. Some maps looked like a Rorschach inkblot test; others were drawn with perfect symmetry.

As hard as it may be to believe, the Texas politicians charged with drawing these political boundary maps were often more interested in maximizing the chances of reelection for themselves and their friends than in complying with difficult to interpret case law, rules, regulations and the restrictions of the court system.

Last time was no different. After the 2010 census, the Texas Legislature drew maps that were widely panned and summarily challenged by various groups for myriad issues. The issue that drove a majority of the lawsuits was the fact that even though the Texas Hispanic population had grown significantly over the former decade, almost no recognition or acknowledgment of that fact was incorporated into the newly drawn district maps. This was most noticeable in the U.S. Congress and Texas House maps.

Based on Texas’ population growth from 2000 to 2010, Texas gained four seats in the U.S. Congress, more than any other state. How was it conceivably possible that while over 60% of the growth of the Texas population was directly attributed to Texas Hispanics, not a single one of the new four seats would be drawn in Hispanic-majority districts? As Ann Richards used to say, “that old dog won’t hunt.”

During the run-up to the 2013 Legislative session, the court challenges to the Texas maps worked their way up to the Supreme Court, which found that the 2011 Texas Legislature had some explaining to do — and changes to make. Then Gov. Rick Perry called a special session of the Legislature and Straus appointed me, among others, to clean up the mess from the prior session.

As a Latino member of the committee that would draw the maps, I was keenly aware of the history of the Legislature’s actions. Nevertheless, as a Republican member, who was a direct witness to the process, I also knew there was no nefarious plot to disenfranchise Hispanic or Black voters. It was much simpler than that. The primary driver that resulted in these problematic maps wasn’t racism, or even callous disregard for the changing demographics of Texas. As that hot July-afternoon phone call showed me, the driver was simply political self-preservation.

That is no excuse, of course. But as a member who was present in the smoky back rooms where those maps were drawn, and who drew maps myself, I can attest that disenfranchising people of color was not in 2013, or, based on my experience in the Legislature, in any prior session, the reason for drawing poorly conceived, and in some instances illegal, political maps.

The 2020 U.S. Census is materially complete and the 87th Legislature is underway. As is the case every post-census Legislative Session, the Texas House will be drawing maps in earnest late this summer and early fall. The composition of the Texas population, the political makeup of the Legislature, the legal environment, and the distant and recent political history of Texas will unquestionably result in a much different process by which the maps will be engineered and constructed.

One thing is certain, however. Despite the genetic predisposition to self-preservation that nearly every politician shares, the changing complexion of our state from an Anglo-centric, rural or suburban community to a Hispanic-majority urban-centered state, demands that members of the Texas Legislature provide for appropriate representation for Texas Latinos. Politicians that attempt to hew to the paths of their predecessors and ignore the growing strength of the Hispanic vote in Texas will share the fate of that powerful chairman who blasted me so long ago: obsolescence.

Texas is changing at light speed. While we remain a center-right, business-friendly state, our citizenry is moving to the big cities, and they are better educated and have more pigment in their skin than ever before. As our dedicated and mostly well-intentioned Texas House members draw the new maps in 2021, committee members simply have no other choice than to recognize that a new day is dawning in Texas. One that is centered not on the antiquated system of self-preservation, but instead on the rule of law, equality and the Constitution.

After I hung up the phone with the chairman, I knew what the outcome was likely to be. As much as I wanted to push back, I just wasn’t strong enough as a freshman member of the House to win a turf battle with the big dogs. The chairman had already called the rest of the committee and ensured that my earnestly drawn map would never see the light of day.

That’s often how the sausage is made. The clumsy North Texas map that I was trying to fix ended up looking just as the chairman had directed. A decade later, I have studied that same map and realize that while the chairman may have won that battle so long ago, the people of color now residing in that district have certainly won the war. I can live with that.

Jason Villalba is chairman of the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation. He wrote this column for The Dallas Morning News.

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