(WXYZ) — A Canadian official is calling for an immediate bi-national investigation into the dock collapse of the Revere Copper Site.
On Nov. 27, the Revere Copper Site on the American side of the Detroit River collapsed. The location once had radioactive contamination and was a former munitions site for the United States Department of Defense.
Officials say it is rated high for contamination because of residual contamination present.
“An immediate study should be conducted on the dangers presented to the Detroit waterways and Great Lakes region. Forty million people use the Great Lakes for drinking water, and the ecosystem is already fragile. Any potential threat should be investigated immediately on both sides of the border,” said Briane Masse, M.P.
Masse called for a joint investigation.
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy released the following statement:
EGLE’s Remediation and Redevelopment and Water Resources divisions have been meeting to discuss the situation, how and when we can access the site, and determine what follow-up actions will be necessary by EGLE and its partners. EGLE’s review will include evaluating information about what contaminants may be present. Among that information will be samples collected this past spring by EGLE’s Materials Management Division that showed no evidence of uranium or thorium above natural background levels in samples from the Detroit River.
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