WATERLOO — The DeKalb Central school district has announced a change to its schedule for the distribution of free meal packs while schools are closed in response to the coronavirus.
Effective immediately, meals at the Central Office will only be distributed on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again from 4-6 p.m. They will not be provided daily, as the meal packets include enough food for the week, the district said.
Tuesday saw the start of the meal distribution program. A total of 1,300 meal packs each containing four breakfasts and four lunches were served to students in the district.
Meals will continue to be distributed on Mondays, March 23 and 30 and April 6, while schools are closed, at sites throughout the district. More information is available at the school district’s Closure Resource Page at dekalbcentral.net.