The steps are coming more rapidly for the Citizens of Gulf County Recovery Committee.
Last week, the committee cut the ceremonial ribbon on its new warehouse, which will set on the former Arizona Chemical site, owned by the Port St. Joe Port Authority.
And the facility will in the future provide a hub in the long-term recovery from Hurricane Michael.
“This is a major accomplishment,” said Nancy Stuart, executive director for the Recovery Committee.
The warehouse, which bears the outward look of an airplane hangar, is 42 feet long by 36 feet wide and 19 feet high; in effect nearly two stories of 1,440 square feet of storage space.
The skeleton is steel and the Recovery Committee was able to secure the warehouse with roughly $4,000 in grant funding.
“We are going to be able to get a lot of stuff in here,” said Eddie Fields, the construction manager for the Recovery Committee.
“It’s a start. We had to get it in the ground.”
Fields already had building supplies to move into the new facility, including wood remaining from recent roofing jobs the Recovery Committee completed in partnership with Hosanna Industries.
The warehouse will also come in handy with partnerships the Recovery Committee is forming with groups such as Hosanna, providing a place for the storage of an assortment of supplies needed for home rebuilds and rehabs.
Working with the Port Authority, the Recovery Committee was able to secure a lease, at $1 per year, and the space needed for the work ahead.
“We’re doing our community service,” said Guerry Magidson, chairman of the Port St. Joe Port Authority.