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Pamphlets distributed – The Hindu

The Swayamsevaks distributed pamphlets at the ‘Vijay Sankalp Sibiram’ at Saroornagar, which sought to answer some of the questions raised such as the need for the new citizenship law and if the changes were against Muslims.

On the new citizenship law, it was stated that atrocities had been committed against people belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, and Parsi communities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, and they reached India. “Either they do not have the documents to prove their identity or they have expired. The 1955 Act was amended to recognise them,” it stated.

To another question, it was stated that the amendment was not related to Muslims living in India or any of its other citizens. Some of the features in the Nehru-Liaquat agreement too were mentioned in the pamphlet, such as agreement to put in efforts to rescue abducted women and recover looted property.

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