By Bridget McCrea, Editor ·
March 19, 2020
Vice President of Consulting and Integration
Bastian Solutions
What is your number one takeaway from Modex 2020?
Based on the situation with Covid-19, we were concerned about attendance, which was definitely lower this year. That being said, we had some very good discussions with attendees who really wanted to be there—and who had reason to be there. We had good discussions with both current and potential clients. As a whole, going to the show was definitely worthwhile. Tuesday was a good day; we had a lot of traffic through our booth and numerous meetings set up. Despite the circumstances we were all dealing with, Modex is always a good opportunity for the industry to get together and meet with clients and prospects.
What are the three key market trends from your perspective?
At this year’s show we saw many of the same technologies from past years, such as AGVs, but companies are innovating and making them better, whether the hardware, software or both. Going forward, I think we will continue to see a push for e-commerce and omnichannel automation as retailers continue to propel speed and accuracy to get goods into consumers’ hands. This will take a combination of better network and system design, technology, software and support. Right now, everyone is looking at “what’s the next big thing that’s going to be out there?” There was a lot of discussions taking place around what breakthrough in technology or efficiency is coming right around the corner.
How is Bastian Solutions reacting to these market trends?
Due to the potential for economic uncertainty, we’re developing plans to more proactively seek out clients and opportunities who can benefit the most from automation, develop those relationships and be a true partner. The need for a more efficient, cost-effective operation is an evergreen challenge. As an independent integrator, we have plans in place for more alliances with other OEM technology providers to ensure we bring our clients world-class solutions.
Ultimately, our mission is to work with the best suppliers in the industry, so we’re always looking for the next innovation that’s going to move the needle, and that’s how we’ll be spending our time over the coming year—ensuring our clients receive data-driven designs, the right technology and software for their operations, and top-of-the-line customer service and support.

March 19, 2020
About the Author
Bridget McCrea, Editor
Bridget McCrea is a Contributing Editor for Logistics Management based in Clearwater, Fla. She has covered the transportation and supply chain space since 1996 and has covered all aspects of the industry for Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management Review. She can be reached at [email protected], or on Twitter @BridgetMcCrea

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