IBM and VetBloom, a provider of online veterinary
courses and continuing education, are joining hands to establish a group
focused on the application of blockchain for learning credentials in the
veterinary industry.
The group will aim towards creating a framework for
competency-based medical education by means of digital badges in order to back
Still at its nascent stage, learning credentials on
IBM’s blockchain will utilise this technology to generate an everlasting and
verifiable record of learning for skills certifications, the companies said.
Job applicants will find it easy to connect with companies and employers will
be able to identify verified skills among applicants for open jobs with ease. The
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, the International Council
for Veterinary Assessment, and the American Animal Hospital Association are the
initial collaborators that are exploring the concept.
Alex Kaplan, IBM’s global leader for blockchain and AI
for credentials, said: “IBM sees tremendous potential for the learning
credential blockchain to support competency-based learning and digital credentials
in veterinary education, and we look forward to continuing our work together in
In August, IBM, in partnership with Chainyard, announced a new blockchain network ‘Trust Your Supplier’, which aims to enhance the entire supply chain management process, from qualification to validation and on-boarding. The network creates a digital passport for supplier identity on blockchain, allowing suppliers to share information with any permissioned buyer on the network. This reduces the time and cost linked to qualifying, validating and managing new suppliers while creating new business opportunities among suppliers and buyers.

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