Jeff Guyett, Community Action Center executive director, said CAC will remain open during regular business hours.
Pullman’s Community Action Center (CAC) is staying open to the public, but staff is taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The Community Food Bank is shifting its curbside pickup hours to Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m, according to a press release from CAC Executive Director Jeff Guyett.
CAC will remain open to the public during its normal hours, according to the press release. Community members should not come to the action center if they are displaying any symptoms of respiratory illness.
Food bank items will no longer be distributed in a “shopping”-model. They will instead be distributed via pre-packaged boxes based on household size, according to the press release.
Joe Astorino, director of CAC’s Community Food Program, said this is a positive change for families.
“Folks are getting the same amount of food as they usually get — from the same distributors that they usually got them from,” Astorino said. “We are only accommodating for cultural and allergic needs.”
Food packages can be picked up from within the safety of a family’s car, without ever needing to come into CAC.
“People are driving up, and we’re putting the boxes into the back of their cars. It’s kind of like a drive-thru,” said CAC receptionist Mary Tietjen. “It went pretty smoothly for our first run-through, and I’m sure we’ll get better at it.”
Guyett said donations of food can still be made, but the current preference is monetary donations. Checks should be payable to Community Action Center and sent to 350 SE Fairmont Road, Pullman WA 99163.