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Fodder distribution in Wauchope to close December 2, support continues

news, local-news, fodder distribution, closes, Wauchope Showground

Livestock producers impacted by bush fires on the North Coast have accessed emergency fodder at a variety of distribution points across the region including our town. The emergency fodder distribution point at the Wollongbar Primary Industries Institute will close today Friday November 29 and the Wauchope Showground will close on Monday December 2. The Kempsey Showground and Grafton DPI sites will remain open while demand continues. NSW Local Land Services (LLS) and the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) established the emergency fodder distribution points across the fire-affected regions to provide emergency fodder in support of animal welfare needs in the critical initial stages of the emergency. North Coast LLS General Manager, Louise Orr, said staff at the emergency fodder distribution sites and fire grounds, have been working tirelessly to provide emergency fodder and stock water, animal assessment, stock euthanasia and burial, livestock feeding and management advice and care of animals in evacuation centres. “As the distribution points are winding back operations, support for impacted primary producers and communities will continue as long-term recovery support commences. Support will continue to be provided through the Agriculture and Animal Services Hotline on 1800 814 647,” Louise said. “NSW DPI Rural Resilience officers are also available to support fire affected primary producers – they are there to listen, learn and link rural communities, families and individuals with the most appropriate services and information.” Anyone wishing to contact the Rural Resilience team can call Jen Haberecht on 0400 160 287 or visit the website The Federal Government has announced a recovery package of $48.25 million, the largest bushfire disaster relief funding package recorded in NSW. Eligible farmers and small business on the North Coast who were impacted by the recent NSW bushfires can apply for grants of up to $15,000 to assist with clean-up and the replacement of infrastructure, including repairing and replacing damaged fences, equipment and machinery. To apply for a recovery grant, primary producers and small businesses should contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit The bush fires have fast-tracked the need for farmers to make tough decisions. If you need advice to help you make decisions about whether to feed or sell your livestock please contact one of our Agricultural Advice staff at North Coast LLS for assistance on 1300 795 299 ALSO MAKING NEWS: Affected by bushfires? Help is at hand

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