29 November 2019, 11:58

Boris Johnson has promised the UK will leave the EU at the end of January as he lays out his plans for getting Brexit done.
The Prime Minister has set out his “Brexit roadmap,” explaining how a Conservative majority Government will secure the UK’s exit from the EU.
In a speech alongside former Vote Leave campaigners Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart, Mr Johnson pledged to “back British businesses” by introducing a new state aid regime which makes it faster and easier for the Government to intervene to protect jobs when an industry is in trouble.
He also said a Tory government would changing public procurement policy so it promotes the local economy.
The Prime Minister appeared on LBC on Friday he told listeners he would walk away from any trade deal which put the NHS at risk.
The Conservative Party have said they “will back women across Britain by scrapping the Tampon tax.”
Farmers would see Mr Johnson’s government promise to leave the Common Agricultural Policy while creating a rule that would see public bodies being required to “buy British.”
On the subject of immigration, Mr Johnson said his government would take steps to introduce an Australian-style points-based system by 1 January 2021.
A Conservative spokesperson said this would lower the number of unskilled immigrants, which would remove a “major force that puts a downward pressure on people’s wages and reduce the overall level of immigration.”
Boris Johnson said: “If we are returned with a majority government we will leave the EU on 31 January and immediately get to work on unleashing the benefits of Brexit. People voted to take back control – and we want to deliver that change. One of the crucial ways we will do that is by improving our rules so that we can back British businesses and unleash their true potential.
“We have a great deal that is oven-ready, It’s a deal that allows us to take back control of immigration, introduce an Australian-style points-based system, and improve our border security. And it is a deal that lets us back British businesses helping them to create more jobs in this country
“The alternative would be a return to the broken parliament that has kept the country in gridlock for three years headed up with a Corbyn-Sturgeon coalition of chaos that would force the country into another two divisive referendums in 2020. The only way to secure change at this election is to vote for a Conservative majority government to get Brexit done.”