Supply Chain Council of European Union |

Pa. Co. Says Distributor Lied To Land $5.5M COVID Test Deal

By Matthew Santoni (June 30, 2022, 6:40 PM EDT) — A Florida company misrepresented itself as an authorized wholesaler of at-home COVID-19 tests to secure a $5.5 million order from a Pennsylvania health and safety supplier, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court Thursday.

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania-based Sunline USA LLC said it ordered 1 million FlowFlex COVID-19 Antigen Tests from ProGroup International Corp., a Miami-based business, based on ProGroup’s claim to be a “FlowFlex distributor” for manufacturer ACON Biotech, but later discovered that ProGroup was purchasing the test kits from other distributors to fulfill Sunline’s order.

“To minimize the risk of [personal protective equipment]-broker related fraud, Sunline prefers to purchase…

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